Getting Ready!

 This week has been busy. Our church had an ordination and installation ceremony for the new pastor. Also, we were invited to the church services to receive blessings for our upcoming Belize mission trip. We have so many generous supporters that made it possible for 15 of us to travel and spread God’s word to a community through VBS! Thanks and blessings to every one of you! 

I’m sure everyone is in the midst of packing - I have now repacked twice. I picked too many items, so after paring down, I still had too many! I’m sure my teammates are having similar issues:) it’ll work out. I may be recycling a couple of outfits. 

I am very excited, and admittedly a little nervous as this is my first mission trip. But I know I have a great team to guide me and we will be truly a team that works as one. 

I did get a solar Bluetooth speaker as an early birthday gift. Hopefully it will be put to good use for some music for the kiddos.

I am looking forward to spreading God’s word to the community as well as having the opportunity to get to know everyone and forging lasting relationships. 

To God be the glory! Amen!!!

Peace out,



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